Oriental Journal of Economics, Finance and Management https://supportscience.uz/index.php/ojefm <p><a href="http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22045"><strong>SJIF 2021-5.72, 2022-5.806</strong></a></p> <p><strong>“Oriental Journal of Economics, Finance and Management” </strong>a journal specializing in economics, comprehensive coverage of scientific and practical innovations in economics, finance, management, entrepreneurship, business, better meeting the needs of journalists in scientific innovations and information in the field of agriculture, uses its main goal. One of the main tasks of the agricultural sector is the publication of relevant, new, scientifically effective and verified information.</p> <p>This scientific journal is published in the electronic version, comes out 6 times a year in Uzbek, English and Russian.</p> <p>The best scientific and journalistic works of Uzbek authors, as well as representatives of the world economy, are published in the journal.</p> SupportScience LLC en-US Oriental Journal of Economics, Finance and Management 2181-2756 IMPROVEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENTS IN COMMERCIAL BANKS https://supportscience.uz/index.php/ojefm/article/view/1033 <p>This article explores the theoretical and methodological foundations of increasing the importance of Human Resource Management (HR) management system in the further development of commercial banks in Uzbekistan.</p> Onajon J. Madrakhimova Copyright (c) 2024 Oriental Journal of Economics, Finance and Management 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 4 03 8 14 10.37547/supsci-ojss-04-03-02 THE ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN POVERTY ERADICATION https://supportscience.uz/index.php/ojefm/article/view/1135 <p>This article explores the pivotal role and significance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in eradicating poverty. Through a multifaceted approach encompassing targeted interventions, global cooperation, and a focus on human rights and dignity, the SDGs provide a transformative framework for addressing poverty's root causes. By promoting sustainability, resilience, and inclusivity, the SDGs offer a pathway towards creating a more equitable and prosperous world. Collaboration among stakeholders is crucial for maximizing the impact of poverty eradication efforts and achieving the SDGs by 2030.</p> Kholida Sultanova Copyright (c) 2024 Oriental Journal of Economics, Finance and Management 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 4 03 15 21 10.37547/supsci-ojss-04-03-03 DIRECTIONS FOR IMPROVING THE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (HR) SYSTEM IN ECONOMIC ORGANIZATIONS https://supportscience.uz/index.php/ojefm/article/view/1032 <p>This article explores the theoretical and methodological foundations of the further development of the Human Resource Management (HR) management system in the economic organizations of Uzbekistan.</p> Onajon J. Madrakhimova Copyright (c) 2024 Oriental Journal of Economics, Finance and Management 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 4 03 1 7 10.37547/supsci-ojss-04-03-01