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Zukhriddin Khairullaevich Khojaev ,


The article examines the methods of analyzing the risks of corruption in the internal affairs bodies and effective strategies for minimizing them. In the context of modern society, where corruption poses a serious threat to the rule of law, security and trust of citizens in law enforcement agencies, the study offers a comprehensive approach to identifying, analyzing and preventing corruption offenses. The author analyzes the main factors contributing to corruption in police structures, such as lack of transparency, insufficient control mechanisms and low wages. To assess risks and develop effective anti-corruption strategies, it is proposed to use both qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, including SWOT analysis, cost-benefit analysis, modeling the likelihood and impact of corruption acts. In conclusion, the article emphasizes the importance of an integrated approach, including staff training, increased control, the development of ethical standards and measures to encourage conscientious behavior of law enforcement officers. The proposed methods and strategies can serve as a basis for the development of effective mechanisms to combat corruption in the field of internal affairs.


corruption, internal affairs bodies, corruption risks, risk analysis, risk analysis methods, minimizing corruption risks, preventive measures, control mechanisms, training and awareness-raising, ethical standards, transparency.


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Khojaev , Z. K. . (2024). METHODS OF ANALYZING THE RISK OF CORRUPTION IN INTERNAL AFFAIRS BODIES AND MINIMIZING THEM. Oriental Journal of History, Politics and Law, 4(03), 32–39.