Akmal Nasriddinovich Abdullayev ,Abstract
The article examines the influence of Islamic values on social relations in New Uzbekistan. In the context of the new stage of the country's development, he analyzes the changes in social life that occurred as a result of the strengthening of Islamic identity after the transition to democratic reforms. The author focuses on the dynamics of socio-cultural changes associated with the growth of religious activity and the revival of traditional Islamic values. The article also highlights the impact of Islam on political processes, education, gender and family relations, and the formation of civil society. Based on the analysis of various research data and review of current scientific works, the article provides a deep understanding of how Islamic values shape social relations in modern Uzbekistan and how this affects its future development.
Islamic values, social relations, New Uzbekistan, religious changes, cultural changes, Islamic ethics, political changes, social ethics, socio-cultural changes, Islamization of society, state policy and religion.
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