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Azimjan A. Abdullayev ,


The article is an analysis of the theoretical foundations of the interrelationship of religious and secular cultures in modern society. The research is based on a comparative analysis of modern theories, concepts and empirical data concerning the interaction of religious and secular aspects of culture. The author examines the influence of religion on the formation of secular culture and vice versa, and also identifies trends and dynamics of these relationships in modern society. As a result of the analysis, the key factors determining the nature and degree of influence of religious and secular cultural aspects, as well as their role in the formation of socio-cultural processes, are highlighted. The theoretical foundations presented in the article help to understand the complex dynamics of interaction between religious and secular cultures in modern society, which can be useful for further research in the field of sociology, cultural studies and religious studies.


religion, secular culture, interrelationship, modern society, theoretical foundations, socio-cultural dynamics, sacred and secular, pluralism of values, secularization, religious pluralization, modernization of faith, cultural transformation.


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Abdullayev , A. A. . (2024). THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RELIGIOUS AND SECULAR CULTURES IN MODERN SOCIETY. Oriental Journal of History, Politics and Law, 4(03), 237–243.