Malika Djalilova ,Abstract
This article examines the combined approach of the binary model and SWOT analysis in the context of studying cross-border interactions. The binary model helps structure key oppositions in border processes, such as "integration – fragmentation" and "state – non-state actors," while SWOT analysis assesses internal and external factors influencing these processes. This combination provides researchers with a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of cross-border interactions, helping to identify key problems and opportunities, and to develop strategies aimed at strengthening cooperation and resolving conflicts. The application of this approach contributes to the creation of adaptive strategies that can be adjusted according to changes in the political and economic situation, making it an effective tool for analysis and developing recommendations in border regions.
cross-border interactions, binary model, SWOT analysis, integration, fragmentation, state, non-state actors, strategic analysis, border regions, cooperation, adaptive strategies.
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