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Bakhtiyor Khasanov ,
Rashida Kharipova ,


The role of museums in modern society has changed significantly and expanded significantly compared to their traditional functions. Today, museums play a multifunctional and socially active role, which makes them important institutions in various spheres of life. New ways of implementing museum activities in connection with digitalization and globalization require a revision of views on the theoretical and methodological aspects of scientific and collection activities, their systematization. The purpose of the study is to study and specify the modern theoretical and methodological basis for the scientific and collection activities of museums. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using its main findings to improve the efficiency of fund management, preserve cultural heritage, develop new methods and technologies, and ensure scientific reliability in working with museum collections. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the new modern definition of the term "museum" proposed by the author, highlighting its main functions from the point of view of taking into account the concept of new museology, designating modern theoretical and methodological aspects of organizing museum activities based on the theories of hoarding, documentation and museum communication. The following research methods were chosen: theoretical content analysis of literature (analysis of books, articles and studies on museum activities (museology), history of creation and management of museum collections, classification of museums and their collections, etc.), comparative analysis of concepts and approaches to defining the terms "museum" and "scientific and collection activities" of museums, system analysis (consideration of scientific and collection activities as part of a broader system of museum affairs, including scientific research, educational programs and cultural policy).

Theoretical and methodological aspects of scientific and collection activities today are based on new museology, theories of hoarding, documentation and museum communication.

Hoarding helps museums accumulate and preserve cultural values, knowledge and information, which plays a key role in museum activities, facilitating access to knowledge and making their collections accessible to a wide range of people. Documentation plays a key role in the work of museums as it contributes to the preservation, management and effective use of museum collections.


museum, scientific and collection activities, new museology, theory of hoarding, theory of documentation, theory of museum communication


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Khasanov, B. ., & Kharipova, R. . (2024). THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE FOUNDATION OF SCIENTIFIC AND FUND ACTIVITIES OF MUSEUMS. Oriental Journal of History, Politics and Law, 4(01), 177–193.