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Ruhshona Orzikulova ,


This article describes the wide-scale reforms that are being carried out for the peace and tranquility of our country. In particular, measures aimed at reforming law enforcement agencies, ensuring citizen safety, strengthening social stability, and protecting human rights and freedoms were considered. Issues such as modernization of the state administration system, improvement of the legal culture of citizens, strengthening of international cooperation are also analyzed. These reforms are aimed at making the society more stable, peaceful and safe. This article presents scientific and practical information about the wide reforms and innovative approaches that are being implemented in the path of peace and tranquility of our country. In addition, methods have been developed for extensive reforms and innovative approaches to the peace and tranquility of our country.


law, tranquility, peace, reform, strategy, patriotism, rights and freedoms of citizens, state policy regarding youth, sovereignty, cooperation, gender equality, education, vulnerable group, benefits, justice.


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Orzikulova, R. . (2024). EXTENSIVE REFORMS BEING IMPLEMENTED FOR THE PEACE AND PEACE OF OUR COUNTRY. Oriental Journal of History, Politics and Law, 4(01), 194–200.