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Maftunakhon Abdusalomova ,


This article examines the dynamics of the development of gender roles in family structures in the socio-cultural and legal context of Uzbekistan. The study explores how traditional values ​​based on Islamic principles and Eastern traditions intersect with modern legal frameworks aimed at ensuring gender equality. By analyzing government initiatives such as the Gender Equality Strategy 2021-2030 and statistics from national reports, the study shows progress and ongoing challenges in achieving gender balance. The discussion emphasizes the importance of combining traditional values ​​with consistent reforms to strengthen family unity and social harmony. Predictions of future trends focus on the increasing activity of women in various fields and the development of family roles in modernizing Uzbekistan.


Gender equality, family dynamics, Islamic principles, legal reforms, social norms, gender roles, women's empowerment, cultural heritage, community harmony.


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Abdusalomova, M. . (2025). HOW SHOULD GENDER REALLY BE IN THE FAMILY?. Oriental Journal of History, Politics and Law, 5(01), 104–111.