Tunis Khojiyev ,Abstract
The large-scale reforms and complex modernization processes implemented in our republic after gaining independence have been studied from the standpoint of various social and humanitarian sciences. However, the history of modernization processes in our country has not paid enough attention to the problem of chronological periodization. In this article, the philosophical and historical foundations of the complex modernization taking place in our republic are determined, and they are studied by dividing them into certain chronological stages. The article analyzes modern concepts of social development. Also, the levels and main features of the most widely researched modernization theories of modern concepts of social development are analyzed. Also, in the study of the history of the modernization processes in Uzbekistan, attention is paid to the analysis of the ideas and activities of the enlightenment movement and the revolutionary movement, which was formed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In this, large-scale development programs aimed at reforming the Republic of Uzbekistan ("Uzbek model of development", the concept of deepening democratic reforms and development of civil society in our country, "Strategy of actions for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan", "Uzbekistan — 2030" strategy) is taken as a determinant. Accordingly, the specific features of the stages of modernization processes in the Republic of Uzbekistan are determined, and the transformation of the modernization model of our republic is revealed.
modernization, social development, modernization approach, convergence theory, post-industrial society, information, capital,
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