Khurshid Toshov ,Abstract
The phenomenon of mind manipulation is considered a complex phenomenon that is studied based on an interdisciplinary research approach. Based on this, this article, based on Howe's approach of dividing the methodology of social knowledge into types, classifies the approaches aimed at revealing the nature of the phenomenon of mind manipulation. On the basis of this approach, descriptive signs of the phenomenon of manipulation are revealed by distinguishing the types of social knowledge methodology, such as functionalist, humanistic, reflexive and revolutionary. Not only the characteristic features of the phenomenon of manipulation are analyzed, but also its aspects that appear within the framework of social relations and norms are revealed. In addition, by chronologically demarcating modern concepts aimed at explaining the essence of the phenomenon of mind manipulation, the methodological approaches of the fields of social and humanities that emerged in the 20th century and are still practiced today were taken as a basis. In other words, the 4 theoretical and methodological approaches mentioned above, aimed at explaining the essence of the phenomenon of mind manipulation, acquire the character of universality in a certain sense. After all, these approaches are applied as a conceptual basis and sometimes as a paradigmatic basis in almost all areas of social and humanitarian science. In this article, it is possible to comprehensively analyze the results of various studies aimed at explaining the phenomenon of mind manipulation and, accordingly, to create a holistic conceptual picture of this phenomenon.
methodology of social knowledge, functionalist approach, humanistic approach, reflexive approach, revolutionary approach, moralizing approach, manipulative influence.
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