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Azamat Shaymardanov ,


The political situation of the period after the collapse of the Greco-Bactrian kingdom has been reflected in the works of many researchers. The article examines the rise of the Kushan rulers from the simple title of "yabgu" to higher titles such as "king of kings", "ruler of the world", "son of god", and the social significance of these titles. As a result of our research, the information from the numismatic sources known to us so far was compared and analyzed with written sources. In the article, we considered the fact that the Kushan rulers' titles had different origins, and that the rulers' titles were passed down from ancestors to descendants as an inheritance.



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Shaymardanov, A. . (2025). SOCIO-POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF KUSHAN RULER’S TITLES IN STATE ADMINISTRATION. Oriental Journal of History, Politics and Law, 5(01), 416–424.