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Qudratulloh Sidiqmetov ,


The article highlights that for individuals to achieve peace and prosperity in their personal and social lives, as well as eternal happiness in the Hereafter, they must adhere to the teachings of Islam without negligence or excessiveness. It emphasizes the necessity of moderation in following these teachings. It is recommended that individuals pay attention to both their physical and spiritual states, avoiding extremes such as neglecting spirituality for the sake of physical health or, conversely, abandoning physical necessities for the sake of spiritual perfection.

The article also discusses the importance of avoiding extremism in worship, stressing that Muslims have responsibilities not only to themselves but also to those around them, and they must not violate others' rights through excessive acts of worship.

In financial acts of worship, such as charity, almsgiving, and zakat, Muslims must avoid extravagance and wastefulness, which could harm themselves and society. Moderation is presented as the ideal path, not only in acts of worship or Sharia rulings but also in worldly matters, such as eating, drinking, sleeping, resting, working, laughing, crying, speaking, and remaining silent. Choosing the middle path and avoiding excessiveness is described as the essence of Islamic teachings. The article further emphasizes that the easiest and most appropriate way to maintain moderation and avoid extremism is to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Prophet deliberately abstained from certain acts to prevent hardship for his followers. He recommended moderation in all matters, including worship, and set the perfect example in this regard.


Religion, extremism, moderation, servant, soul, faith, Qur'an, hadith, belief, action, balance, world, Hereafter.


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Sidiqmetov, Q. . (2025). ANALYSIS OF ISSUES RELATED TO EXTREMISM IN RELIGION IN THE QUR’AN AND SUNNAH. Oriental Journal of History, Politics and Law, 5(02), 156–168.