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Mohlaroyim Yarashova ,


This article examines the significant contribution of the prominent Sufi and philosopher Ibn Arabi to the development of religious and mystical thought in the Muslim world from the perspective of the history of philosophy. His works present important philosophical ideas such as unity (tawhid), being (wujud), cosmos (kawn), knowledge, humanity, ethics, perfection, and its qualities. These ideas are articulated within a systematic approach that laid the foundation for scientific and intellectual revival in the Muslim world. It is also analyzed how his ideas served not only as a theoretical source for Sufi tariqas but also had a profound impact on the further development of philosophical thought.


sufism, tariqa, Sharia, creed, ethics, perfection, teachings, spirituality, philosophy, reflection.


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Yarashova, M. . (2025). THE PHILOSOPHICAL ESSENCE AND SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS OF IBN ARABI’S SUFI VIEWS. Oriental Journal of History, Politics and Law, 5(01), 334–340.