Soburov Hasanjon Shavkatjon o’g’li , Master of Tashkent State Law UniversityAbstract
This article is devoted to the history of the university, its role among the higher education institutions of the Republic, its role in the development of legal education, as well as the achievements of scientists, government officials, achievements over 30 years. Improving the spiritual and moral education of students also includes helping students to become full members of society, mature professionals in their profession through various forms, methods and means of education. At TSUL, students and teachers to ensure transparency in providing the digitalization of the educational process, including the formation of the training schedule, exams, evaluation, ranking of students in the formulation and implementation of the transition to electronic document exchange "Electonic university" providing information about the platform (e-University) data can be obtained. In addition, this article aims to improve the spiritual and moral education of students, to help students to become full members of society, professionals in their profession, to develop spiritual qualities in the minds and hearts of students, the idea of national independence and the ideology of independence. to help students spend their free time meaningfully, to form in young people a sense of national pride, patriotism and devotion, to study their worldview and interests.
TSUL, public administration law, master’s, bachelor’s, distance education, jurisprudence, civil law, hybrid, electonic university, corruption, advocacy, business law, labor law, distance learning, evening education, legal tech, platform
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