Muazzama Foziliya , Student Faculty of Turkic Studies Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies,, UzbekistanAbstract
This article deals with the study of phraseology, one of the most interesting scientific disciplines in world linguistics. Research in Uzbek and Turkish linguistics has been commented on. In Uzbek linguistics, attention is paid to the issue of grouping according to the meaning, lexical, methodological and semantic features of phraseology, and some shortcomings are discussed. Particular emphasis is placed on the semantic classification of phraseologies, the interpretation of complex phrases. It is explained by the scientific views of Turkish linguists on phraseology, the terms “deyim”, “tabir”. It is also argued that the common features of phraseology in all languages of the world are the same, and in the language of writers the use of phraseology to give national identity. Lexical-semantic analysis of phraseologies and phrases refers to the national language, which reflects similarities in the worldview, religion and customs of the speaking population. At the same time, the phraseology used in the Ottoman period in the Turkish language was analyzed lexically and semantically. For this purpose, the author Rashod Nuri Guntekin’s novels “Cholikushi” (“Çalıkuşu”), “The Enemy of a Woman” (“Bir Kadin Düşmanı”) were selected as a source. In his novels, Rashod Nuri Guntekin notes that the protagonists have used too many expressions to ensure nationalism in their speech, and that no other can be used in their place. Praising the author's writing skills, the phraseology in his novels is analyzed lexically and semantically based on certain components. Accordingly, the expressions used by the author in the two works are classified according to a certain system. Author Rashod Nuri Guntekin's novels, on the other hand, contain a variety of components. Turkish writer Rashod Nuri Guntekin's novels “Cholikushi” and “The Enemy of a Woman” often use the phrase "Allah" and are used by the author to express various meanings.
Turkish linguists, Deyim, tabir, Turkish language, logic, stereotyped unity, general features of phraseology, phraseology, lexical-semantic analysis, Rashod Nuri Guntekin, “Cholikushi”, “An Enemy of a Woman”, novel
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