Gofur Abdilakimov , Associate Professor, PhD Tashkent State Pedagogical University Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
Special attention is being paid to intensive development of small business and entrepreneurship, introduction of modern technologies in the field and development of directions for using innovative methods of its improvement. Wide involvement of the population in business activities, growth of the investment and export potential of the industry, and the fact that more attention is being paid to the employment of the population on this basis is gaining importance. Especially in the global economy, improving the organizational and economic mechanisms of small business and private business entities, creating a favorable business environment, strengthening their participation in foreign economic activities, and making full use of their opportunities to increase the income of the population is one of today's urgent issues. These factors imply the implementation of complex measures for financial support of small business and entrepreneurship, information exchange, technical assistance and legal support.
Small business, gross national product, income,
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