D. E. Sultonova ,Abstract
The problem of social activity of young people is enough ambiguous and complex, like the very content of the concept of social activity. V modern conditions significantly change the idea of the goals manifestations of social activity by young people, including students. Today dictates the need of society for proactive, energetic, purposeful youth. It is precisely today that we need to look for transition mechanisms youth in a socially active position, identify and educate the leaders of tomorrow day. Problems of formation, development and stimulation of youth activity, identifying the features of the motivational-need sphere of a socially active personalities were considered by sociologists, educators and psychologists in all periods the existence of our state. However, in different periods formed in society, ideas about an active personality varied significantly, and in studies of different years, attempts have been made, on the one hand, to carry out analysis of the content of the concept of social activity, on the other hand, to designate motives that direct and implement a person's activity in a socially significant activities.
student activity, younger generation, intellectual activity, social activity, socialization, sociological methods, viable generation.
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