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Makhpurat Khamzayevna Hubbaliyeva ,


This article provides information about tourists who visited Central Asia in ancient and medieval times and the cities mentioned in their travelogues. The information about the arrival of Zhang Qian to the Fergana Valley and the history of our country in ancient times was analyzed.

It also talks about Du Huan, who was in Central Asia in the Middle Ages, and his travelogue. In Du Huanʼs travelogue, the places he visited are listed roughly from east to west. This article also details Du Huanʼs impressions of the famous Battle of the Talas River between the Arabs and the Tang Dynasty. Du Huan also writes information about paper production in the city of Samarkand. Du Huanʼs travelogue contains valuable information about Central Asia and reflects the life of cities, the way of life of the population, political, social and economic situation. The article provides explanations of the names of the countries mentioned in Du Huanʼs travelogue.


Great Silk Road, Zhang Qian,


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Hubbaliyeva, M. K. . (2024). NOTES OF CHINESE TOURISTS ABOUT CENTRAL ASIAN CITIES. Oriental Journal of History, Politics and Law, 4(04), 322–328.