Azizjon Rizaev ,Abstract
This article analyzes the formation and development of Saudi national identity, as well as its socio-political, cultural, and religious foundations. The process of shaping Saudi Arabia's national identity is examined, including issues of harmonizing traditional values and modern trends in the context of globalization, the role of Islam, language policy, and maintaining the legitimacy of dynastic rule. The role of Islam in Saudi society, the significance of the Arabic language in forming national identity, and the challenges of preserving the legitimacy of the Al Saud dynasty's rule are studied. Furthermore, the reforms aimed at strengthening national identity within the framework of the "Vision 2030" strategy and their impact on domestic and foreign policy are thoroughly analyzed. The role of national identity in Saudi Arabia's foreign policy and its influence on regional security is also considered. The article examines Saudi Arabia's aspirations for leadership in the Arab-Muslim world and the strategy for preserving and developing its national identity in this context. Additionally, conclusions are drawn about the future directions of this strategy, emphasizing the growing importance of national identity in the Kingdom's domestic and foreign policies and the trends in the future development of this process.
Arabia, Saudi, socio-political, cultural, religious, dynastic.
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