Elyorbek A. Otajonov ,Abstract
This article is devoted to the theoretical understanding and expression of administrative reforms, as well as the study of the history of the development of administration. The administrative reform of public administration as a permanent, multidimensional integral part of its role and importance in the development of society, its functional functions are the subject of analysis. This paper explores the theoretical understanding and presentation of administrative reform, conceptualizing it as an essential component of public administration. This approach emphasizes the permanence, multidimensionality, and complex nature of administrative reform. The author explains the rationale for introducing administrative reforms by exploring the concept of designing a public administration system. They also discuss the functional and goal-oriented aspects of administrative reforms, emphasizing their temporal diversity. In addition, the paper offers a comprehensive analysis of the main areas of reform and provides detailed descriptions. Finally, the article presents visual models of the administrative reform process, including schematic representations of “hilly landscapes” that visually depict this process. The author argues that such representations are essential for creating digital models that can be used to proactively test proposed solutions and interventions in different areas.
Administrative reform, public administration, central office, administrative law, executive power, centralization
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