Islombek Rakhmonberdiev ,Abstract
Samuel P. Huntington's "The Clash of Civilizations?" is a seminal work that explores the post-Cold War global order. His thesis argues that the primary sources of conflict in the modern world will not be ideological or economic, as in the past, but cultural and civilizational. Huntington identifies several civilizations, including Western, Islamic, Sinic, Hindu, Orthodox, Latin American, African, and Japanese, and posits that the interactions between these civilizations will shape global politics.
The Clash of Civilizations, Cold War, Socio-economic aspects, Economic Modernization and Westernization, cultural values, Economic disparity, Global conflict, Economic Alliances, Civilizational Blocks, Globalization, Civilizational Identity, Resource Competition, Economic Modernization without Westernization
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Rakhmonberdiev, I. (2024). The socio-philosophical significance of the clash of cultures in the development of civilizations (Based on The Clash of Civilizations by Samuel F. Huntington). Ижтимоий-гуманитар фанларнинг долзарб муаммолари Актуальные проблемы социально-гуманитарных наук Actual Problems of Humanities and Social Sciences., 4(1). https://doi.org/10.47390/SPR1342V4I1Y2024N28
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