Aziz N. Yuldashev , Researcher International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
The article analyzes the important factors of political institutions in improving the efficiency of state policy, analyzes the processes of formation, development and improvement of political institutions, functions and aspects of the activities of political institutions.
In particular, the study of the genesis and development of the methodology of institutional analysis remains one of the most important tasks, which in turn allows us to show the epistemological and theoretical possibilities of new methodological principles for studying political institutions, ways to overcome their advantages and disadvantages. In addition to solving specific theoretical problems, this is also reflected in the practical significance of the work done in the framework of neo-institutional analysis. Understanding the genesis and development of the methodology for analyzing political institutions, highlighting the existing methodological problems has not lost its relevance today. Methodological principles of studying political and social realities, their theoretical and practical significance for political, sociological and other social sciences are studied by scientists with great interest. Issues such as political institutions, their origin, development and implementation, development and crisis have always been studied by scientists with great interest, which was reflected in the level of knowledge of the subject. The two main components that make up the content of a political institution are, firstly, the ideal model of the system of relations and, secondly, the organizational structures developed in collective political practice in accordance with the matrix of stereotypes and model structures. The presence of a clear system of relations that are stable and cohesive is emphasized.
Political institution, political life, state
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