Nargiza Seydabullaeva ,Abstract
This article examines the concept of "modernization" in a broad sense, highlighting the economic, social, cultural and political aspects of this process. Modernization is interpreted as the process of introducing innovations in various spheres of society in order to achieve modernity, bringing it to new stages of development. The origin of this term is associated with the scientific and technical development of European society in the 18th century, and by the middle of the 20th century it acquired scientific and theoretical significance. The author analyzes the modernization process through various theoretical and methodological approaches, especially studying its impact on the political system and social changes. The need for progressive reforms for the economic and political modernization of society is indicated, and it is said that such factors as the transition from authoritarian to democratic systems, economic development and the introduction of various innovations are of great importance in this process.
The article also describes the historical stages of the modernization process: the contribution of Western scholars to its development in European and North American countries, the rapid development of modernization in the 1950s-1960s and its subsequent critical reception. Using the example of Uzbekistan, the article highlights the difficulties encountered in the modernization of society, in particular, the complexities of the transition period. The differences between the political and social significance of modernization in Western and Eastern countries are studied, and the role of each approach in preserving national identity and values is analyzed.
modernization, political development, economic changes, globalization, social structure.
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Б.Омонов «Жамиятни модернизациялашнинг концептуал асослари» Ташкент-«Алоқачи»-2019. -Б.10
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