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Abdusamat Turgunboev ,


In this article, looking at the activities of the Jadidist movement and its representatives, we tried to approach the concept of the institution of public discussions scientifically. At this point, we can observe that public discussions are embodied as a separate independent institution that serves to ensure the well-being of the society, expressing its goals and tasks, manifestations and forms. If we pay attention to our national history, we will see that public institutions have served as an effective method of regulating family and community relations in the history of individuals. In addition, we can emphasize that he promoted the principles of free thinking, equal rights, and justice in the management of state and public affairs, expressing the essence of the current democratic principles in society and state management. In the article, we paid attention to the ideas, promotion work, and achievements of our modern scholars based on the realization of national identity, attention to youth, based on the rich sources of our national history. Among the studied resources, we witnessed the fact that it is based on the principle of cooperation and teamwork for the development of society, the establishment of the institution of public discussions to study public opinion on current issues and solve existing problems.


Public, public discussion, institution of public discussion, equality, organization, activism, youth education, society and management.


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Turgunboev, A. . (2024). THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC DISCUSSIONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF JADIDS MOVEMENT. Oriental Journal of History, Politics and Law, 4(12), 55–64.