Bakhodirjan Ganiyev ,Abstract
The article is devoted to a
philosophical analysis of the interrelationships
between digitalization and the consideration of
entrepreneurship in the twenties of the changes
taking place in the social dynamics of modern
society. The article describes the effect of
digital technologies on the social structure and
the role of entrepreneurship in solving social
problems. The author explores how
digitalization contributes to the transformation
of traditional business models and social
responsibility, as well as how these changes
contribute to the sustainability of society and
its ability to adapt to new challenges. The first
part of the article analyzes the fundamental
foundations of the concept of digitalization, its
impact on the business environment and the
main aspects of social responsibility. The
second part focuses on practical methods of
entrepreneurship, which uses digital
technologies to solve social and environmental
problems. Special attention is paid to the issues
of development, innovation in business
practices and ideological values for society.
The article assumes an understanding of the
philosophical approach to this principle of
entrepreneurship in the digital age, takes into
account new ways for research and
development of the field within the framework
of changes in social dynamics.
digitalization, social entrepreneurship, philosophy, social dynamics, sustainable development, innovation, entrepreneurial activity.
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