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Zebiniso Akhmedova ,


The article is devoted to the life and spiritual heritage of the outstanding Eastern thinker and scientist Ahmad Donish, whose works had a significant impact on the development of philosophy, science and culture in Central Asia. The work examines key aspects of Donish's life, his philosophical and moral views, as well as his contribution to the development of Eastern science and education. The article analyzes the philosophy of Ahmad Donish, his understanding of man, society and nature, as well as his ideas about social justice and moral values. Suggestions for further research and application of his philosophical heritage in modern educational practice are given.


Ahmad Donish, life path, spiritual heritage, philosophy, Central Asian science, literature, social justice, ethics, intellectual legacy, educational influence.


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Akhmedova, Z. . (2024). LIFE PATH AND SPIRITUAL HERITAGE OF AHMAD DONISH. Oriental Journal of History, Politics and Law, 4(11), 116–126.