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Aida Tyukmaeva ,


The presented article is devoted to the study of the emergence of the sign and sign systems in the context of the ancient Egyptian occult tradition, which considers symbolism as a key element in the spiritual and cultural life of Ancient Egypt. The analysis uses an interdisciplinary approach that combines archaeological finds, lexicographic data and texts of priests, allowing us to trace the evolution of sign systems from simple hieroglyphic forms to complex magical symbols used in rituals and ceremonies. Special attention is paid to the role of signs as intermediaries between the divine and human worlds, as well as their function in creating a sacred space. The study emphasizes the relationship between sign systems and social hierarchy such as priesthood, and also reflects the practices of transmitting knowledge through symbolism.


sign systems, semiotics, Ancient Egypt, occult tradition, symbolism, hieroglyphs, magic, cult practices, sign semiotics, mystical knowledge, esotericism, sacred texts.


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Tyukmaeva , A. . (2024). THE EMERGENCE OF THE SIGN AND SIGN SYSTEMS IN THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN OCCULT TRADITION. Oriental Journal of History, Politics and Law, 4(10), 172–182.