Akmal Nabiraev ,Abstract
This scientific article discusses the legal issues related to the agricultural activity in Uzbekistan and the ways to address them. The article focuses on the legal aspects of farming, land law, contracts, and labor law. Specifically, it analyzes the management of land resources, contract disputes in agricultural activities, the protection of labor rights, and the experiences of developed countries. The article draws on the land and labor law systems of Germany, France, and other developed countries as examples to propose recommendations for Uzbekistan. The article concludes with suggestions aimed at resolving the legal challenges facing Uzbekistan's agricultural sector, including improving land law, labor law, and contract law, optimizing the subsidy system, and applying digital technologies.
Agriculture, land law, contracts, labor law, agriculture sector, land resources, legislation, contract violations, labor conditions, subsidies, digital technologies.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Akmal Nabiraev

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