Sevara Berdaliyeva ,Abstract
Yusuf Khos Hajib's work covers a wide range of political issues such as state administration, the duties of the leader, justice in society, and the rule of law. His political views are relevant to the social and political life of that time, and through his work he promotes high moral, political, and social values. Khos Hajib emphasizes the need to conduct state administration on the basis of justice. He calls on the head of state to be just, wise, and knowledgeable. Justice is shown in the work as the foundation of the state. The leader is responsible for maintaining a balance between all strata of society and protecting the rights of every citizen. Khos Hajib states that the ruler must be just and must also apply the laws strictly and fairly. The work emphasizes the high responsibility of the head of state. Khos Hajib sees the leader as the most important person in ensuring the well-being and peace of the people. Mistakes or injustices in governance can put the people in a difficult situation, so the leader must be careful in his actions. The leader must deeply understand the needs of his people and make fair and wise decisions. Khos Hajib emphasizes that the main goal of the state is to ensure the well-being of the people. Maintaining peace, stability and justice in society is one of the main tasks of the leader. A policy should be pursued that is aimed at meeting the needs of the people, making their lives easier and improving their standard of living. The work depicts the ruler not as a person who controls the people, but as a leader who protects them. This article attempts to shed light on Yusuf Khos Hajib's thoughts on state governance in his work “Kutadgu Bilig”. The article lists Yusuf Khos Hajib's qualities as a leader of the country. The necessary conditions for justice and the rule of law to prevail in society are outlined. The article also analyzes the thinker's thoughts on issues such as peace and prosperity, and ensuring civil rights. The political considerations presented in the work are interconnected with the present day, revealing once again the historical significance of the work “Kutadgu Bilig”.
state, governance, leader, justice, society, law, people, rights, peace, stability, citizen, responsibility, prosperity, principle, fair trial.
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