Odinakhan Muhammad Yusuf ,Abstract
The article discusses “Sahihul Bukhariy” which is one of the most important collections of hadith in Islam, compiled by the Islamic scholar Muhammad ibn Isma’il al-Bukhari. Recognized as one of the most authentic and significant sources of religious guidance and practice, this article examines the importance of “Sahihul Bukhariy” in the Islamic world, analyzing its historical context, scholarly significance, and impact on contemporary Islamic society. The study employs historical and textual analysis methods to understand the compilation process, the criteria for authenticity, and the ongoing relevance of “Sahihul Bukhariy” in guiding religious practices and resolving theological debates. This analysis underscores the enduring value of al-Bukhari’s work in shaping Islamic law, theology, and education, highlighting its profound influence on millions of Muslims worldwide.
Sahihul Bukhari, Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari, collection of hadiths, religious guidance, contemporary Islamic society, authenticity of hadiths, Islamic law, religious issues, Islamic legal system, Quranic guidelines, book, library, Sharia, sanad, text.
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