Shokhjakhon U. Abdujalilov , master's student Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
After the end of the cold war, profound changes began in the international security system and international law. The problem of ensuring international peace and security has acquired new features. The Heads of State and Government of the members of the UN Security Council at a meeting on January 31, 1992 agreed that for the first time since the creation of the UN, the best chance for achieving international peace and security appeared. At the same time, they recognized that the changes taking place in international relations, however desirable they may be, have created a threat to the stability and security of the world. A number of acute problems arose after the cessation of ideological confrontation and the disappearance of the bipolar world, and the number of local conflicts has also sharply increased, most often within states, and not between them. To the old hotbeds of hostility, new, even more dangerous ones have been added, generated by aggressive nationalism, ethnic, religious and clan intolerance. The problem of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, international terrorism and drug trafficking has also become acute. Globalization, which has changed the world economy and politics, has a serious impact on the security of the entire world community, including increasing the danger to which it is exposed due to the intensification of international terrorism.
An analysis of the international political situation indicates that it is undergoing significant changes. In interstate relations, it is planned to intensify processes that contribute to reducing tension and strengthening stability in some potentially crisis areas. At the same time, the reasons that prevent the elimination of hotbeds of tension and the establishment of broad cooperation in the interests of security have not yet been eliminated, there is a confrontation between the leading countries of the world for securing leading positions. A significant destabilizing factor in the world remains the presence of intra-regional contradictions — political, territorial and ethno-confessional [1].
collective security, national security, international security
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