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Khabiullo Ya. Azimov , Lecturer Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Migration processes are an important component of the history of the Middle East region. Forced migration processes have not stopped in the region for the past two centuries. The forced migration of the population is connected with the formation of the modern Middle East and the demarcation of the borders of the countries in the region. In recent years, many refugee crises have occurred in the Middle East. This article includes in detail the migration problems that arise after the "Arab Spring" in the Republic of Turkey.


Migration, , refugees, asylum seekers


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Khabiullo Ya. Azimov. (2023). THE PROBLEM OF MIGRATION IN TURKEY AFTER THE "ARAB SPRING". Oriental Journal of History, Politics and Law, 3(03), 19–26.