B. S. Suyunova , PhD student Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
This article analyzes the integration processes taking place in the Asia-Pacific region in the last decade, the regional policy conducted by the Japanese government and their impact on the system of international relations. Although the processes of integration in the region started a few years ago, two major projects that have emerged in recent years - The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership - have been briefly described in academic studies or local academic literature. With the help of scientific sources in Japan and other foreign countries, the opinions of politicians and experts about the above integrated associations were analyzed. Historical, systematic, comparative, and content analysis methods were used to determine the role and importance of the two projects in Japan and other countries. In Japan, as in other countries, regional policy is complex in terms of goals and content, which is largely ensured by its coordination with other areas of state economy regulation. Also, this article highlights the modern strategy of Japan's regional policy, focusing on a number of factors.
integration,, RCEP, CPTPP,
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