Zarina Sh. Abduazizova , master's student Tashkent University of Oriental Studies Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
The article deals with the transformation of Japan's modern strategy towards China. China and Japan are the most powerful economic, political and military powers in East Asia and constitute the two main centers of power around which the regional subsystem of international relations is being formed. The rise of China is the most significant challenge for Japan's entire foreign policy, but it also offers enormous opportunities for the country's development. And the future positions of not only Japan and China themselves, but also stability in East Asia depend on what Japan's strategy towards China will be. Japan's strategy towards the PRC after World War II until 2010–2011. can be characterized as the predominance of involvement with elements of deterrence: the policy of Japan as a whole contributed to the realization of the main foreign policy goal of the PRC - the restoration of the status of a great power, which China lost during the opium wars of the mid-19th century.
Sino-Japanese relations, Japan's strategy, towards China
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