O. I. Alimov , Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science Ph.D Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
This article highlights the important directions of Japan's energy-economic diplomacy, investment-financial policy in Central Asia at the modern stage. The strategic and geo-economic importance of the region is very important for Japan.
Central Asia has always been in the center of interest of the countries of the world because it is a rich region with 40% of gas reserves, 31% of oil, and 55% of coal reserves. Tokyo is interested in political stability in the region, its integrity, comprehensive cooperation. The presence of huge energy and natural raw material resources in the region is considered as the main factor of Japan's interests. The fact that Japan has a great opportunity in the construction of oil and gas pipelines that provide access to the world market of the region, in turn, is in the interests of the region.
Japan has consistently supported the development of mining and manufacturing industries, logistics and transport infrastructure in the countries of Central Asia, and has achieved certain achievements in this field. Japan's foreign policy in Central Asia served not only as a means of ensuring regional development, but also of establishing bilateral relations and supporting Japan's foreign policy goals in the countries of the region.
Currently, the most important features of Japan's diplomacy in Central Asia are economic and resource diplomacy, regional infrastructure modernization, including the promotion of Japanese infrastructure exports, and human resources development.
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