Temurbek U. Kodirjonov master's student , master's student Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
The civil war in Yemen is perceived by the world in the same way as similar events in Somalia and Libya. Another war in the countries of the third world, remote and happening somewhere far away. However, in reality the situation there is different. But in order to better understand the situation, it is necessary to delve into the history of the country and analyze the causes of the conflict in Yemen. It has almost never existed as a single state – with the exception of a very brief, by historical standards, period of 1990-2004. While the Houthi movement is struggling to cope with a number of challenges in the north, its rise to power in Yemen is the defeat of Saudi Arabia on its southern flank. After the fall of the Yemeni government, Riyadh will have to use the Houthis' need for political and financial support to restore its influence in the country. But since Iran is also trying to exploit this need, Yemen has become another battlefield where two rivals professing different directions of Islam will fight each other.
Yemen,, Houthis, Zaydite Madhhab
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