Izzat T. Palvanov , researcher Tashkent State Law University Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
The formation of the market economy, the development of its infrastructure, the creation of effective management mechanisms for all market entities implies the need to search for adequate methods of insurance activity, protection and compensation of damage caused to individuals and legal entities. In the Law "On Insurance Activities", insurance is a civil-legal act related to the protection of the property interests of citizens and legal entities in the event of certain events (insurance events) specified in the insurance contract or current legal documents at the expense of funds generated by the payment of insurance payments by citizens and legal entities. defined as a type of relationship (insurance salary, insurance premiums). As an economic category, insurance defines a system of economic relations, which includes the forms and methods of formation of trust funds and their use to cover losses due to various unpredictable adverse events (risks).
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