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Nasiba A. Abduzairova , Student Tashkent State Law University Tashkent, Uzbekistan


In the Republic of Uzbekistan, on the basis of universally recognized norms of international law, the foundations and guarantees of constitutional protection of individual rights and freedoms have been created. Article 116 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan established constitutional guarantees of obtaining qualified legal assistance, as well as the role of the advocacy. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of advocates in the country, which is due to various reasons. In this article, the norms of the national legislation on advocacy were critically analyzed. The main purpose of the article is to improve legislation taking into account advanced standards. The statistical, comparative-legal method and the method of generalization of scientific research of scientists were used as research methods. Taking into account the analysis, the necessity of understanding the theoretical and practical foundations of the Institute of advocacy in the Republic of Uzbekistan in order to improve the legal foundations of this institute was revealed. According to the results of the study, conclusions were drawn regarding the improvement of the effectiveness of the advocate's activities, strengthening his legal status. These proposals can be used in the development of draft legal acts on advocacy and advocate’s activity, strategic documents on the development and further reform of the institute of advocacy in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The findings of the study can determine the prospects for reforms in the field of advocacy.


advocate, legal education, advocacy formations


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Nasiba A. Abduzairova. (2022). IMPROVING THE LEGAL STATUS OF ADVOCATES AND ADVOCACY FORMATIONS BASED ON INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS. Oriental Journal of History, Politics and Law, 1(01), 6–26.