Nasibaxon Azizovna Abduganieva ,Abstract
This article is devoted to the study of the typology and national characteristics of Indonesian fairy tales. Fairy tales have existed since ancient times; they are a kind of history, a treasury of folk wisdom and a universal means of thinking about the world and people.
The tales of each nation are determined by its way of life, rituals, working conditions, folk traditions, worldview and other factors. Thus, the study of the linguistic features of fairy tales is of interest, both for the influence on national culture and for the spread of cultures at the international level.
When writing the article, we used fairy tales of the peoples of Indonesia, published throughout the 20th century. Thus, this study is based on materials from the fairy-tale tradition of the peoples of Indonesia, as it appears to us throughout the last 20th century.
typology, Indonesian fairy tale, national peculiarity, folklore, wayang, Mahabharata.
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