Javid Shodievich Kholov ,Abstract
In this article, the author tried to right very briefly about the similarities and differences between the two songs of the poet Muhammad Iqbal, "Indian Song" and "National Song". The generality of the above-mentioned songs appears primarily in the glorification of the homeland, the promotion of its freedom, and the description of the beautiful landscapes of the mythical India. The author mentioned that the poet wrote these two songs in the same style and in the same meaning, keeping the ideological balance of the people of his country. In this article, he presented brief information to the readers about the content of these two songs - "Indian Song" and "National Song". The author of the article divided both Iqbal's songs into five parts in terms of the same spirituality. And he analyzed and studied each separated part in comparison with each other. It becomes clear that between "Indian Song" and "National Song" despite the difference in the content of the songs, there is a similarity of thought and a deep view of Iqbal's philosophy. The songs are also considered very important from the historical point of view, because Iqbal along with the hymns of the country of India takes the reader on a historical tour of this land and reminds that this land has received various peoples and nationalities for thousands of years. And all the local and foreign people live in harmony along the banks of the happy river Ganga. India always welcomes the caravan of foreigners as its own people. This is the essence of these two songs of Iqbal.
two songs, India, Hindu, Muslim, religion, Indian song, national song, glorification of the homeland, love, hymn of unity, freedom, river Ganga, caravan of foreigners, religious conflict, ideological conflict.
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