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Comparative literature: theory and practice (context: indian languages)



Writers and poets like Russian poet Pushkin, Baron, Dante, Ezra Pound, Matthew Arnold were knowledgeable in many languages. The purpose of saying this is that due to this multi-lingual information, a strong cultural consciousness has arisen in Europe from which it can be said that the seeds of comparative literature have been sown. It is from here that a new emotional picture has arisen in Europe which is known as ‘European Mind’. Matthew Arnold says in one place that “A criticism consider Europe as a great confederation of thought and feeling ….. Europe is for all intellectual and spiritual purposes one great confederation” And so Arnold continues ‘Every critic should try and possess one great literature at least, besides his own- the more unlike his own the better’. The purpose of comparative literature is clear in the criticism of Matthew Arnold – “the practitioners of comparative literature must make available to their own public, the work of maximum excellence so that there will be available a standard for the local language”.  Matthew Arnold called Europe 'an Intellectual and Spiritual Federation' while Eliot gave birth to the feeling of 'European mind'. Eliot has written – “a poet should write not merely with his own generation in his bones but with a feeling that the whole of literature of Europe from Homer and within it the literature of his own country has simultaneous existence and compose a simultaneous order.” American poet and critic Archibald MacLeish said an important thing. He said that - ‘A poem is a poem in any language’. (Poetry and Experience)

 Therefore, there would be no exaggeration in saying that literature is an universal art. If literature is a creative art then it can easily enter any language of the world and can be established as the property of the people of that language. No matter which country in the world, literature belongs to everyone.  Literature is indivisible. Literature is united. Firstly: Students of Comparative Literature should understand that Homer, Shakespeare, Chekhov, Valmiki, Rabindranath Tagore etc. are our own. In the modern world it is essential to have comparative literature. In the present society suffering from violence, comparative literature not only performs the function of literature but it also performs the function of a religion. Today's humans should abandon all religions and adopt comparative literary religion so that a new international literary consciousness can develop so that a new human era can begin


Chekhov, Intellectual, Tagore, Comparative Literature, Russian, Valmiki, international literary, Shakespeare.


काल रेखा (तेलुगु) – जी एस शर्मा

तुलनात्मक साहित्य की भूमिका –इन्द्रनाथ चौधरी

तुलानात्मक साहित्य – डा नागेन्द्र

तुलनात्मक साहित्यं – डा वेंकटराव

Comparative perspectives on Indian Literature

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KRISHNA, A. V. . (2024). Comparative literature: theory and practice (context: indian languages). Oriental Journal of Philology, 4(01S), 172–176.