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Shahnoz Barotiyon ,


The author of the article confirmed that Mirzo Tursunzade is one of the first writers who accepted the awakening and independence of the peoples of Asia and Africa and created works and a series of rare poems in this regard. The poet skillfully and thoughtfully recorded the bitter life, tyranny, chains of tyranny and horrors inflicted on the people of India by the British colonialists, in poetic words, by various artistic means and means.

It is also mentioned that the people of India have made a huge contribution to the development of world culture and literature throughout history, and this land, which has a history of about five thousand years, is considered one of the pearls of world civilization.

At the same time, Mirzo Tursunzade clearly expressed his opinion, pointing out the path of freedom and the peaceful goals of the peoples of the world.

The author notes that M. Tursunzade clearly saw all the unrest in the lives of these people in the light of Indian literary movements and trends and wanted to keep up with his Indian comrades. Show them the basics and fundamentals of life of the enslaved people of India.

In addition, the author adds that the poet makes the oppressed people of this country enjoy the sounds and waves of world freedom and leads the prosperity of this legendary country. The fact is that one of the main tasks of the poet Mirzo Tursunzade was to convey to the reader the reality of life.


anthem of the motherland, oppression and oppression, friendship of peoples, freedom, India, Ganga River, symbol of peace, poet of hearts, awakening of the East, Indian literary trends, theme of the East and India, poet's lyrics, voice of Asia, Africa, status of M. Tursunzade


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Barotiyon, S. . (2024). DESCRIPTION OF INDIA IN VERSES OF MIRZA TURSUNZADE. Oriental Journal of Philology, 4(01S), 459–472.