Dilrabo Andaniyazova , Doctoral student, Ph.D Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Institute of Uzbek language, literature and folklore Uzbekistan, TashkentAbstract
In world linguistics today, the approach to onomastic units in the literary text is dominated by integrative studies, including the study of allusive nouns, onomastic metaphors, onomastic scale of literary texts, intertextual aspects of nouns, as well as lingual-linguistic is a topical issue.Onomastic units appear in different contexts in a literary text. These units are sometimes simple, in their sense, sometimes complex, and associated with a variety of associations in the text, in accordance with the writer's artistic intent. The unique onomastic units in the literary text are being studied in linguistics within the framework of the principles and approaches of interdisciplinary interrelationships that have been developing rapidly in recent decades. In particular, onomastic units should be studied, first of all, on the basis of the principles of the linguopoetic approach. This article examines the importance of studying uzbek anthroponyms in the principles of interdisciplinary relations, the role of ethnocultural factors in anthroponyms, polynomial anthroponyms, their place in the literary text.
onomastics, onomastic unit, anthroponyms
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