Mohinur Nizomova , Mohinur Rahmonova ,Abstract
This article discusses both theoretical and research foundations of linguistic and cultural studies. The interrelationships of culture and language, the influence of cultural traditions in each nation on linguistics, the formation of any concepts and their root meanings in the consciousness of mankind, having different points of view in different mentalities, are highlighted. The author researched and analyzed specific aspects of the theoretical basis of linguistic and cultural studies based on the available scientific literature, relying on linguistic data. Analyzing the concept of time based on life events, he gave examples of situations in which it is used in what sense. The similarities and differences of the concept of time are shown in English and Uzbek cultures.
Linguistic culture, concept of time, mentality, linguistic affiliation, cultural studies, anthropological paradigm, monograph, figurative thinking, philosophy, Neo-Humboldians, era, moment, lingvokulturema, linguistic meaning, verbalization of the world.
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