Oigul I. Turlibekova , Yulduz B. Jalilova ,Abstract
In recent years, the countries of Cooperation of the Arab States of the Persian Gulf (GCC) have begun to implement a number of reforms and initiatives aimed at immediately solving problems in their innovation systems. These challenges include, above all, the development of human capital and the promotion of research and development (R&D). These countries are also developing traditional industries (such as oil and gas, petrochemicals, basic industries, water desalination) and emerging ones (including aerospace, healthcare, energy based on the use of renewable energy sources). In this regard, the GCC has made significant progress in a relatively short time. In general, the article provides an insight into innovation policy and its potential impact on global innovation and economic growth.
diversification, energy resources, innovation index, R&D, high-tech companies, industrial clusters, patent, human capital, private business, strategies, global innovation index.
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