Nilufar Abdullayeva ,Abstract
The concept of distance education has been continually developing through the use and refining of technology to meet ever-evolving ways in which educational entities provide programs for and reach their constituencies. From early correspondence course mailings using printed materials, systems using radio and television, and early computer-based learning systems, distance education has evolved: The paper will discuss the evolution of the concept of distance education in a chronological manner, right from the embryonic stage up to its present-day avatar through online courses, digital campuses, and interactive learning spaces. We examine key technologies that have influenced the delivery of distance education, the impact of the internet and multimedia, and the rise of Massive Open Online Courses-MOOCs. Moreover, the article reviews the latest trends in distance education, including personalized learning, mobile learning, and the greater use of AI in instructional design. It outlines the advantages and challenges that come with modern distance education: accessibility, engagement, and the digital divide. Finally, the article reflects on the future of distance education, considering the most recent technologies and their potential to further reshape the landscape of education.
Distance Education, Online Learning, MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), eLearning, Educational Technology, Mobile Learning, Adaptive Learning, Internet Education, Online Courses
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