Toktobek Mambetovich Ryskulov ,Abstract
The purpose of the article is to characterize the convenient geopolitical and advantageous geostrategic position of Central Asia. To explain that the economic development of Asia in general, and South Asia in particular, causes a significant increase in energy consumption. And Central Asia has one of the largest reserves of oil and natural gas. As a result, Central and South Asia are complementary players in the energy market. The potential of the South Asian market for the Central Asian states is huge.
In the last decade of cooperation, the elites of both regions have realized the enormous possibilities of interaction in the field of energy supplies, trade, science, and education. After all, Central Asia and South Asia have a thousand-year history of interpenetration of economies and cultures. The factors hindering the implementation of energy projects are indicated.
Market risks, price and tariff risks, etc. are identified. It is noted that Delhi traditionally measures its capabilities with Beijing, in conditions of fierce regional competition.
Delhi is not in a position to change the balance of power in the region. It is considered that the Kyrgyz Republic has been working on access to the Indian Ocean in recent years. The Karachi–Kashgar–Bishkek transport corridor has been switched to year-round operation. It is analyzed the great importance for the Central Asian states of solving water and energy problems.
Recommendations are given for solving this global problem for the Central Asian states in the XXI century
Namely, the transfer of the flow of the northern Russian Federation into the Aral Sea!
Central Asia, South Asia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, energy resources, TAPI, transport corridor, World Bank, CACA-1000 project
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