Azlarkhan B. Achilov ,Abstract
This article examines the increasing influence of the People's Republic of China on the economy and politics of Afghanistan. China is a global power, a participant in all major political and economic coalitions and organizations. The PRC is one of the most important partners not only for the USA and Russia, but a necessary “friend” for a huge number of countries in Africa, Central Asia and the Asia-Pacific region. What resources allow China to be called a world power?
Chinese PMCs are currently present in Pakistan, where they practically guard the Chinese seaport in Karachi. In Yemen, they ensure the safety of their cargo ships and tankers in the Gulf of Aden. Also, Chinese PMCs are located in Gorno-Badakhshan of Tajikistan and even have a joint base in Israel. Thus, it becomes clear that Beijing is no longer afraid to use forceful methods to cover its business interests in other countries. Until recently, this was the exclusive prerogative of the United States, Great Britain and other Western countries. The growth of Chinese influence in Afghanistan is not news to anyone, but not everyone knows that China has been present in Afghanistan for a long time, even at the time of its cautious policy, while the “yellow dragon” was still in deep hibernation, its paw was in Afghanistan. In this article we will try to consider and answer the question of why China needs Afghanistan and what plans it is pursuing there and what role the SCO plays in these plans.
PRC, IEA, SCO, “Great Game”, geopolitical region, geostrategy, geopolitical resources, economic security, integration, trade, economics, infrastructure, conflict of interests.
Отсутствие базы: в чем главный промах Китая в Афганистане руководитель школы востоковедения ВШЭ(У) Алексей Маслов Опубликовано: 30.10.2018 23:35 https://afghanistan.ru/doc/124432.html
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