Adkhamjon Bakhtierdjanovich Mamajanov ,Abstract
the purpose of this study is to carry out an analysis of the role and importance of the organization of Turkic states in the foreign policy of Uzbekistan, the history of participation and the future prospects of the modern stage and make recommendations. The article discusses Uzbekistan's participation in the TSO, its theoretical foundations, modern aspects, high-level meetings of state leaders, the intended goals of meetings of representatives of the state government in a wide and narrow circle, as well as, the prospects expected from these contacts discussed and theoretical proposals developed.
TSO, The declaration of Istanbul, The agreement of Nakhichivan, The meeting of Chulpan ota, The spirit of Samarkand, Organization of Turkic States Summit in Astana, corporation, interaction, foreign policy, integration, education, democracy, nationwide values, common religion, language, culture, security.
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Международные эксперты обсуждают вступление Узбекистана в Совет сотрудничества тюркоязычных государств. https://nuz.uz/politika/44217-mezhdunarodnye-eksperty-obsuzhdayut-vstuplenie-uzbekistana-v-sovet-sotrudnichestva-tyurkoyazychnyh-gosudarstv.html
Boku deklaratsiyasi. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Matbuot xizmati: info@mfa.uz
New opportunities for integration and cooperation: Oped. // Hurriyet Daily // https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/new-opportunities-for-integration-and-cooperation-op-ed-147499
Тюркский совет усиливается за счет Венгрии и Узбекистана: https://ia-centr.ru/publications/tyurkskiy-sovet-usilivaetsya-za-schet-vengrii-i-uzbekistana/
Suhrob Bo‘ronov., Turkiy dunyo xazinasi. O‘zbekistonning Turkiy davlatlar tashkilotidagi o‘rni. O‘zbekiston ovozi gazetasining №49-soni, 2022-yil., 8-dekabr, (32.743)., B-4.
Xabibullo Azimov. Turkiy davlatlar tashkiloti qanday tashkilot va u nima uchun kerak?. https://daryo.uz/2022/11/08/turkiy-davlatlar-tashkiloti-qanday-tashkilot-va-u-nima-uchun-kerak 08.11.2022
S.Jo‘raev, TDShU professori s.f.d., Taraqqiyot dunyosining yangi makoni. Yangi o‘zbekiston gazetasi. № 231 (1020), 2023 yil 7 noyabr, B. 1-3.
Durdona Madaminova., O‘zbekistonning TDTdagi ishtiroki: tarixiy zarurat va manfaatlar uyg‘unligi. https://uza.uz/uz/posts/ozbekistonning-tdtdagi-ishtiroki-tarixiy-zarurat-va-manfaatlar-uygunligi_424274