Kholida Zikrillaevna Alimova ,Abstract
In Persian and Dari, the voice category of the verb, encompassing the majority of other categories, with the exception of the imperative mood and certain verb tenses. Voice denotes a range of relationships between the subject and the object of action, which are expressed through the verb or other, particularly lexical means. In Modern Persian and Dari, there are two forms of voice: the active and the passive. The approach of Iranian and Afghan authors to the category of the voice is ambiguous, primarily because the voice as the main grammatical category of the verb is absent in most grammatical descriptions and is not designated by a special term. The article highlights the peculiarities of the active and the passive voice, their use, and the problem of two-voice verbs. It is shown that other collateral meanings are expressed by lexical means. The article analyses the factors that contribute to the selection of verb collocations in these languages.
: conjugated forms of the verb, active voice, passive voice, passive, causative verb, double-voice verbs, causative, reflexive-middle voice.
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